Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wait It Out

Ellie is over 3 months old and her sleep schedule has been beyond crazy and exhausting for the last couple of weeks. Her naps are much shorter, approximately an hour, two if I'm lucky. They're ALL over the place. She went from having a 7 hour, followed by a 3 hour stretch at night to waking up every 3-4 hours. I'm not going to lie, I miss my sleep. I miss her schedule and I want it back.
I'm pretty sure I look something like this most days lately...

And JP looks something like this...
So, I've started reading about various sleep training methods lately and I'm trying to familiarize her with the crib. She's been taking naps in her crib all week, although she still sleeps in our room at night. Although until she sleeps through the night, I think that's where she'll stay.
For those with babies, I'm sure you've heard of the CIO (cry it out) method as one of the methods to sleep training your child. Basically, you let the baby cry it out. If you know they're not hungry or don't need to be changed, you let them cry and learn to self-soothe themselves to sleep. Babies technically are not capable of self-soothing themselves prior to 4 or 5 months. So, it's recommended that if you decide to try this method, you wait until at least that point.
That being said, I just don't think crying it out is in the cards for us. I hate hearing my baby cry. The majority of the time, I'm able to soothe her within a couple of minutes. However, there have been those moments where she just cries and cries. While I get so frustrated and sad when this happens because I can't make her feel better, I could never just leave her alone to cry it out despite how I'm feeling. They say this method is not for the faint at heart. Well, folks, I'm a sucker and most certainly faint at heart.
So, after I've gotten this overly exhausted baby back to sleep for the THIRD time in the past 2 hours today, this article is very humbling and exactly what I needed to hear.
I can wait it out.


  1. Thank you for posting this link. I'm a new Mom (our little man is 4 weeks old) and I've heard from so many people to just let him cry it out, that it won't hurt him and that he needs to be able to self soothe. I'll admit I've tried it a few times but it just breaks my heart so I always give in after about 5 minutes. I will 'wait it out' - they're only young once and to me the best thing in the world is holding my baby boy and I'm sure it's the same for him!

    1. Congratulations on your little man!! Enjoy every second because it goes by FAR too quickly. I feel like she was just born last week and she'll be 14 weeks tomorrow. Time flies!

      For some people, crying it out works. I've decided it's not the method for us. IF you do choose to use this method in the future, I highly recommend waiting until he is at least four months old -- all the books, research, and your pediatrician will tell you the same thing. They're just not capable of soothing themselves at this point. Babies are still learning trust and are in search of nothing but comfort at that stage. So, while I do not judge those that choose to use the CIO method, I would urge you to wait a bit longer before you continue to use it. :)

      For now, I'll continue to wait it out. I want to enjoy and savor every last moment I can with my sweet girl. :)

  2. I'm with you on this - I couldn't do the Cry It Out method. Came to conclusion that what happened during the day made a big difference - if we got out and got some fresh air day time naps went better and then some more fresh air - even if only 15 minute potter to the shops - and bed and sleep went better.

    Thanks so much for sharing at The Friday Baby Shower Alice x
